How to add questions to your AI Assistant

Steps to take to pre-populate questions in your AI Assistant that your website visitors can quickly select

With Clym's AI Assistant, you can provide automated communication and support to your website visitors regarding the data privacy and accessibility regulations supported by your Clym widget, users' rights regarding personal data, and so much more. Based on the demographics and types of visitors your website typically encounters, you may be able to predict common questions that would be asked by users. In the Clym Portal, you can pre-populate recommended questions that your website visitors can easily click for information.

Adding questions to your AI Assistant is an easy 3-step process:



1. Sign in to your Clym Portal

You should have received a magic link in your initial onboarding email. Please click Sign in from the email to get started. Alternatively, navigate to Clym's home page and click on Sign in in the upper right-hand corner. 

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2. Open your Website Settings

From the left-side menu, select Website Settings. You will then see a list of all your domains, each with its unique settings.

Website Settings Information 1

Click the settings wheel next to the domain for which you would like to change the default language. This will open the website settings for that specific domain.

Website Settings Information 2




3. Add questions

From the Website settings menu, select the AI Assistant drop-down to open the menu options. Expand the Questions section. To add a new question to your list, click Add assistant 8 In the pop-up window, type in the question that you want to pre-populate. Please note that there is a 100-character limit per question. Click Confirm to add the assistant 10

If you encounter any challenges, please reach out to us at