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  2. Clym Classic
  3. Data Subjects Requests (DSARs)

How to set the contact email address that will receive your data subject requests

Steps you need to take to set the contact email address that will receive your data subject requests

Indicating which email address you would like to receive your organization's DSARs is important in ensuring that you stay on top of incoming requests to facilitate timely responses. Setting your contact email address that will receive DSARs is an easy 3-step process:


1. Log into the Clym admin

You should have received a magic link in your initial onboarding email. Please click Sign in from the email to get started. Alternatively, navigate to Clym's home page and click on Sign in in the upper right-hand corner. 


2. Select your property (domain)

Navigate to the Properties menu option and then select your domain.

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3. Set your email address

From the left-hand side menu, select Customise. At the top of the page, enter in the Contact email address that should receive the data subject requests.  Toggle the Include details of DSAR item on to activate this email address to receive detailed DSAR requests. After this point, this email address will receive via email each request and relevant details.


Please note, if you come across any challenges, you can reach out to us via chat or email us at support@clym.io.