How to pay an invoice in your Partner Portal

Steps to take to apply payment to an invoice in your Partner Portal account

We know that being able to pay invoices through the Partner Portal is essential for our partners to effectively manage their accounts and ensure seamless collaboration with us. In this article, we will provide a step-by-step guide to help you to easily apply partial or full payments to your invoices within the Partner Portal.
Paying your invoices is an easy 3-step process:

1. Sign into the Partner Portal

You should have received a magic link in your initial onboarding email. Please click Sign in from the email to get started. Alternatively, navigate to the Partner Portal to sign in.



2. Access Invoices

From the left-hand menu, select Invoices. In the overview of your invoices, search for the invoice you would like to review. Click Apply payment.  invoices8


3. Pay invoice(s)

    Your invoice will open in a pop-up window. To apply a full or partial payment to an invoice, click Pay Invoice.invoices4-1
    In the pop-up window, enter the Card number, Expiration, CVC, Country, and Zip code. Click Pay to process your payment for the stated amount. Screenshot 2024-06-09 at 7-09-04 PM-png

    If you encounter any challenges, please reach out to us at If you have any questions related to invoices, please email