How to enable Wiretapping on a new chat service

Steps to take to set up Clym's Wiretapping solution on a new chat widget service

Clym’s Wiretapping solution offers an innovative approach to enhancing website visitor interactions by providing a seamless and secure method for obtaining consent before engaging with your website's chat widget. Clym simplifies the consent process, allowing website owners to create a transparent and user-friendly experience for their visitors. By integrating this solution, businesses can confidently capture consent without disrupting the user experience, both facilitating compliance with legal requirements and meeting customer expectations.

Our easy-to-implement Wiretapping solution ensures that visitors are fully informed and provide explicit consent before initiating any chat interactions. This not only helps businesses comply with data protection laws like GDPR but also fosters trust and transparency.

Setting up Wiretapping is an easy 3-step process:

Please note, if you are using the blocking script, you will not need to sync with GTM, as your scripts will be detected automatically.

1. Sign in to your Clym Portal

You should have received a magic link in your initial onboarding email. Please click Sign in from the email to get started. Alternatively, navigate to Clym's home page and click on Sign in in the upper right-hand corner. 

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2. Open your Website Settings

From the left-side menu, select Website Settings. You will then see a list of all your domains, each with its unique settings.

Website Settings Information 1

Click the settings wheel next to the domain that you would like to change the default language for. This will open the website settings for that specific domain.

Website Settings Information 2



3. Enable Wiretapping

From the Website settings menu, select the Services drop-down arrow to view the scripts. In the bottom right corner, click Add Service.

Please note that in order to use the Wiretapping settings on a service, this script must be managed by Clym Tag Manager.


In the pop-up window that appears, complete the required fields, adding optional information if you choose. Under the Managed drop-down, ensure that By Clym Tag Manager is selected. Toggle on Wiretapping consent required. Click Add Services.wiretapp1

If you encounter any challenges, please reach out to us at