How to edit a processor

Steps to take to make changes to an existing external processor in your Clym account

In the Clym widget, your cookies and scripts are each given a classification category that helps users understand what their purpose is on your website. While many cookies and scripts are automatically classified, there may be some that are labeled as unclassified, and require you to manually add more information. To add a processing category to your cookies and scripts, Clym requires you to assign a processor that is associated with that classification. Clym allows you to add and edit existing external processors to your account so that you can add this classification to your cookies and scripts. Data processors that you add to your Clym account will manage your users' personal data on behalf of Clym.

Editing an external processor is an easy 3-step process:


1. Sign in to your Clym Portal

You should have received a magic link in your initial onboarding email. Please click Sign in from the email to get started. Alternatively, navigate to Clym's home page and click on Sign in in the upper right-hand corner. 

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2. Open your Website Settings

From the left-side menu, select Website Settings. You will then see a list of all your domains, each with its unique settings.

Website Settings Information 1

Click the settings wheel next to the domain that you would like to change the default language for. This will open the website settings for that specific domain.

Website Settings Information 2



3. Edit Processor

From the Website settings menu, select Processors. Click the three dots next to the processor that you would like to edit, and then select the icon that appears to Edit the processor.

Processors3In the pop-up window, make the necessary changes to the processor's data, including Company URL, Company Name, Description, Phone Number, Privacy Policy URL, and more. Click Save.


If you encounter any challenges, please reach out to us at