How to delete your account with Clym

Steps you need to take to delete your account with Clym

While we are sad to see you go, deleting your account is an easy 3-step process:


1. Log into the Clym admin

You should have received a magic link in your initial onboarding email. Please click Sign in from the email to get started. Alternatively, navigate to Clym's home page and click on Sign in in the upper right-hand corner. To learn more about the ways to login to Clym, please visit this article.


2. Open your My Account page

Navigate to the My Account menu option on the left-hand side.


3. Delete your account

At the bottom of the my account page, click Delete account in red. 

Note that this operation cannot be undone. When the system deletes your account, it erases all personal information we store about you and anonymizes your activity. If you need your data, please select the option before deletion.

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You will be asked to confirm account deletion. We will provide you with the option to export your data before your account is deleted.

If there are no other users with access to the company account, when you delete your account the system will delete all data about your company and you will not be able to access and use Clym into your websites.


Please note, if you come across any challenges, you can reach out to us via chat or email us at