How to delete a user

Steps to take to delete a user from your Partner Portal account

As your organization grows, you may need to delete a user profile from your Partner Portal account. Deleting a user is different than deactivating a user because it is a permanent action. If you wish to keep any profile data for the user, please click here for instructions on how to deactivate a user profile, which does not permanently delete a user profile. 

Deleting a user is an easy 3-step process:



1. Sign in to the Partner Portal

You should have received a magic link in your initial onboarding email. Please click Sign in from the email to get started. Alternatively, navigate to the Partner Portal to sign in.

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2. Go to the Access tab

From the left-hand side, select Access.

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3. Delete user

Click the three dots next to the user whose role you would like to change. Click Delete.PP Access12

To confirm you would like to deactivate the user, click Delete to continue. PP Access13

Review User Management to get an overview of the options you have to manage your organization's users.

If you encounter any challenges, please reach out to us at