How to add multiple new domains

Steps to follow to add multiple domains at once

Our Partner Portal offers several methods for adding customer and merchant domains to your account. If you are onboarding many domains at once, adding domains to your partner portal account via import is an easy 3-step process:


1. Log into the Partner Portal

You should have received a magic link in your initial onboarding email. Please click Sign in from the email to get started. Alternatively, navigate to the Partner Portal to sign in.

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2. Manage domains in bulk

From the left-hand menu, select Customers. Click the drop-down next to Domains to expand the section. At the bottom of the section, click Manage domains in bulk, and then from the drop-down, select Import domains.



3. Provide data to Clym

First, you can download the import template from the pop-up window, or click here. Add your customer or merchant data to the spreadsheet. Please note: The first two lines are examples, and should be removed before import. Select the Action you would like to perform, based on the guidelines above.

Under Actions, you have four options:

    1. Enroll adds the domains to the Partner Portal with the status New.
    2. Enroll and scan scans your sites, creates an account, and makes the scan report available in the Partner Portal. Follow the instructions here to view it.
    3. Enroll, scan, and send report scans the sites and sends a pdf report of the cookies that are currently running on said sites.
    4. Enroll, scan, and invite scans your sites, creates an account, and sends you the Clym scripts for implementation.

In the Import domains window, Click to select file. Click Add Domains.

    Send intro email is enabled by default if you have an intro email template set for this type of domain upload. If set to yes, it will send the intro email that you have setup on your account to the domains that you are uploading. More information on this matter can be found in the email templates management article.


    Please note: When importing your file, please use .xlsx file formatting.

    If you encounter any challenges, please reach out to