Clym platform overview

Get a quick overview of the Clym platform features and its benefits

Every month, more and more data privacy regulations are being introduced into law - all of which affect your websites. Keeping up with different regulations and adapting your websites to comply with them takes time and deep data privacy knowledge. Eventually, this will affect your bottom line and / or you face the risk to pay hefty fines.

Clym’s robust Consent Management Platform (CMP) enables companies to easily manage their data privacy compliance needs in a cost-effective and scalable manner. The video below presents Clym's key features and benefits.

Main features

Clym provides the right tools and a swift onboarding experience, so you can stay compliant and focus on growing your business:

1. Cookie Consent Management

The vast majority of websites use scripts and cookies to collect visitor data. Clym helps you protect yours from data privacy regulation violation by leveraging our flexible and intuitive platform.

2. Data Subject Requests

Clym's help you save your employees hundreds of hours of compliance time by creating a timestamped, audit-ready and scalable workflow to accommodate consumer access requests.

3. Document/Policy Management

A changing regulatory landscape requires companies to regularly update their policies. Timestamp each modification and centrally manage each policy, with version control functionality to demonstrate your company’s evolution.

Customer benefits

Clym is an audit ready system that comes with a swift onboarding experience and extensive flexibility in terms of regulations, localizations and UI.

1. Seamless integration

Intuitive onboarding makes compliance easy for Clym’s customers. Clym’s solution can get merchant websites compliant with little effort.

2. Adaptability & Geofencing

Clym's platform continuously reviews and identifies any new scripts that are added or updated and applies the appropriate compliance regulation based on the end customer's location.

3. Audit ready

Clym’s time-stamped consent receipts and workflows enable companies to prove compliance to regulators and others enforcing regulations.

4. Clean design

Use your branding (optional) and Clym’s flexible UI to reduce friction and seamlessly integrate compliance into your website visitor experience.


Please note, if you come across any challenges, you can reach out to us via chat or email us at