Overview of how Clym interacts with Google Tag Manager to help manage the scripts and services you are running on your website
If certain scripts are managed by Google Tag Manager and you prefer not to use the Clym Blocking solution, you have the option to sync your scripts from Google Tag Manager with Clym, assign them to processing categories, and Clym will prevent the synced scripts from executing through GTM until consent is granted.
We recommend using the Clym Google Tag Manager integration if you don’t use the Clym Blocking solution and/or if certain scripts are not blocked - like custom scripts written by your organization - yet you still want to block them without proper consent.
If you create or delete any scripts in your GTM container, you need to re-sync the scripts with Clym, as Clym does not have access to your GTM container. If you are not using Clym's blocking script, please follow these instructions to sync with your Google Tag Manager. Please note that if you are using Clym's blocking script, you will not need to sync to your Google Tag Manager manually, as we will automatically pick up your scripts.
If you encounter any challenges, please reach out to us at support@clym.io.