April 13th, 2023 - Processors & Onboarding Process Improvements

Introducing processors and improvements to the DSR verification process, and the overall onboarding flow for new customers

With this release, we are introducing Processors back into the Clym Portal, a functionality that was previously accessible in the Clym Classic dashboard. This functionality allows your website visitors to fully use embedded content on your website. Additionally, we have introduced improvements to the data subject request, or DSR, verification flow, to ensure that users experience a smooth verification process. For new Clym customers, we have also made the onboarding flow more seamless, by detecting logos and brand colors automatically.



Under your Website Settings area of your Clym Portal, you will now see an option for Processors, where you can add custom external data processors that you can associate with the scripts running on your website. Data processors that you add to your Clym account will manage your users' personal data on behalf of Clym. 



Compliance Center & Email Verification

When a user submits a data subject request, or a DSR, Clym will automatically send the user a verification email for the user to confirm their identity. After a DSR is verified, you will be able to manage and respond to their request as necessary. In our previous flow, the verification link contained in each email could only be accessed one time, after which there would be an error message if a user tried to access the link again. Based on user feedback, we have improved this process both on a technical level and a visual level.

When a user clicks the verification link from their email, they will be brought to the compliance center web page, where they will receive confirmation that their verification was successful, with an option to further view the request status.


Additionally, if the email verification process fails, Clym now presents the user with the option to Try Again. When selecting this option, the system will perform another search to verify the request verification status.



Brand Color and Logo Detection

As new customers sign up for an account with Clym, it is our continued goal to improve and simplify the onboarding experience as we grow. With this in mind, we have developed an automated process for detecting a customer's logo and brand color. When you sign up with Clym, our system will now scan your website to find your logo and brand color, and will auto-configure these settings within your widget for a customized experience. At any time, you are still able to make manual changes to your widget's branding.

Screenshot 2023-04-13 at 10.07.10 AM

If you encounter any challenges, please reach out to us at support@clym.io.